Annual General Meeting Holcim Ltd

The 1,251 shareholders attending voted in favor of all motions with large majorities. The proposed payout from capital contribution reserves of CHF 1.15 per registered share and the remuneration report (advisory vote) were among the main motions approved. Newly elected to the Board of Directors were Hanne Birgitte Breinbjerg Sørensen and Anne Wade.

Representing 61 percent of the company’s share capital, the 1,251 shareholders attending the 101th Annual General Meeting of Holcim Ltd approved all the motions proposed by the Board of Directors with large majorities.

In particular, the payout from capital contribution reserves of CHF 1.15 per registered share was approved. The payment will take place on April 24, 2013. The remuneration report was confirmed in an advisory vote by shareholders representing approximately 78 percent of the share capital.

Newly elected to the Board of Directors were Hanne Birgitte Breinbjerg Sørensen and Anne Wade. Hanne Birgitte Breinbjerg Sørensen is CEO of Maersk Tankers, one of the world’s largest tanker operators. Anne Wade is an investor with extensive experience in capital markets. From 1995 to 2012, she was Senior Vice President and Director of an investment management company, Capital International, based in London. Anne Wade is currently a member of the Board of Trustees of the FB Heron Foundation in New York.

Board member Beat Hess was re-elected for a further three-year term. Chairman Rolf Soiron was re-elected for a one-year term to ensure the necessary continuity until Wolfgang Reitzle takes over the chairmanship in 2014.

Also at the Annual General Meeting, the Chairman bade farewell to Markus Akermann and Peter Küpfer who were no longer available for re-election, and Christine Binswanger who has resigned from the Board. Rolf Soiron thanked them for their valuable service over many years.


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Holcim is one of the world's leading suppliers of cement and aggregates (crushed stone, gravel and sand) as well as further activities such as ready-mix concrete and asphalt including services. The Group holds majority and minority interests in around 70 countries on all continents.
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