Holcim releases 2014 Corporate Sustainable Development Report
Holcim today released its 2014 Corporate Sustainable Development Report that outlines the Group’s economic, environmental and social performance and presents Holcim’s objectives for the areas of OH&S, social responsibility, sustainability and enhanced solutions, climate change, resources, and communities.
The report builds on the "Holcim Sustainable Development Ambition 2030" announced in 2013. The Ambition, which was developed in consultation with a broad range of stakeholders and sustainability experts, reflects Holcim’s aspiration to go beyond “business as usual” and to be part of the solution to the challenges of our time. The strategy focuses on activities in the areas of Climate, Resources and Communities with an intention to significantly increase the Group’s portfolio of sustainability enhancing products and services.The report provides the initial measurements and progress against the targets set out in the Ambition and gives details of the definition of Sustainability Enhanced Solutions.
CEO Bernard Fontana comments: "I am particularly pleased with the progress we have made with compliance, and the successful implementation of the Holcim Integrity Line. The report shows that the system is fully operational, with investigations conducted into reported incidents, and that there are consequences to non-compliance."
Holcim’s Code of Business Conduct was ranked number 1 among Swiss companies in terms of completeness and relevance as determined by looking at a set of objective criteria by the advisory firm KPMG. The code offers guidance and provides examples to help employees when they are confronted with challenging situations in their daily work. It also contains references to Holcim policies, relevant laws, and regulations because these provide the background for many of the topics included in the Code and the Compliance Program.
Holcim’s number one priority remains the safety of its employees and those of suppliers and third-party companies. The company has spent a number of years focusing on the reporting culture to build trust throughout the Group, and the results have started to reflect this change. In 2014, Holcim recorded a Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) for direct employees of 1.6, and a Total Injury Frequency Rate (TIFR) of 4.8. Holcim continues to work hard to strengthen the safety performance, and has a number of programs and initiatives that allow to provide targeted support where specific and individual improvements are required.
A panel of independent external experts has again contributed to the report by reviewing it and making recommendations.
The 2014 Corporate Sustainable Development Report was assured by PricewaterhouseCoopers and is in accordance with the GRI G4 reporting framework.
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Holcim is one of the world's leading suppliers of cement and aggregates (crushed stone, gravel and sand) as well as further activities such as ready-mix concrete and asphalt including services. The Group holds majority and minority interests in around 70 countries on all continents.
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